Sandy Creeks Clean Water Planning

Welcome to the Sandy Creeks 9E Watershed Management Plan Page

Mission Statement:
As climate and land use changes continue to affect the Sandy Creeks Watershed, an increasing number of stakeholders have expressed concerns over potential water quality impacts. A nine element watershed plan (9E plan) is being developed by the Jefferson, Oswego, and Lewis County Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) in collaboration with Upstate Freshwater Institute (UFI) and the Tug Hill Commission to 1) discover potential water quality impacts; 2) inform management decisions; 3) improve grant funding opportunities; and 4) to protect water quality in order to avoid the need for regulatory action such as the implementation of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).

The extensive testing necessary to develop the plan will highlight any E. coli, nutrient, or sediment load issues the watershed may have, allowing us to set water quality goals and identify the best management practices (BMPs) best suited to achieve these goals.

The Draft 9E Plan will be completed during late 2024/early 2025. It will then be released for public comment and submitted to NYS DEC for approval.

Project Contacts:

Sarah Trick, Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District,
(315) 782-2749, [email protected]

Joe Chairvolotti, Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District,
(315) 592-9663, [email protected]

Erica Schreiner, Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District,
(315) 592-9663, [email protected]

Nichelle Swisher, Lewis County Soil and Water Conservation District,
(315) 782-2749, [email protected]

Jillian Lee, NYS Tug Hill Commission, (315) 785-2406, [email protected]

Jennifer Harvill, NYS Tug Hill Commission, (315) 785-2392, [email protected]

Emily Fell, NYS Water Resources Institute at Cornell University and NYSDEC
Great Lakes Program, (315) 785-2382, [email protected]


First Stakeholder Meeting – January 17, 2023
Sandy Creeks Clean Water Planning slides
SC 9E Meeting 1 Handout
Video Recording of the Meeting
Meeting Notes and Question and Answer Summary

Focus Group Meetings – January 31, 2023 

Recording of Focus Groups: Conservation, Business and Recreation, Shoreline/Riparian Owners, and Municipal Leaders (Business and Recreation begins at 056:06, Shoreline/Riparian Owners begins at 1:43:00, and Municipal Leaders begins at 2:38:45)
Recording of Agriculture and Large Landowners Focus Group

Public Meeting & Stakeholder Input Summary – February 16, 2023
Meeting PowerPoint
Video Recording of the Meeting

Water Quality Sampling Results Public Meeting – March 20, 2024
Meeting PowerPoint
Video Recording of the Meeting

Tug Hill Aquifer 101
Sandy Creeks Ecosystem Based Management Initiative
North Sandy Pond Management Plan – November 2023