Communities and organizations often look for grants to help fund projects. Here is a list of common funding sources used by our partners, listed in the general order they are due over the calendar year. Please monitor Tug Hill Times for additional opportunities that may arise.
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (due February/March)
Local governments who have a Records Management Officer appointed and have adopted an appropriate State Archives records retention and disposition schedule can apply to establish records management programs or develop new program components. Specific emphasis for the program changes each year so make sure to read the current program guidelines. Recent years have seen three categories: Individual, Shared Services, or Demonstration projects, each requiring some match. Communities are encouraged to work closely with a NYS Archives representative to develop their application.
Black River & Beaver River Advisory Committee (due April)
Funded by Brookfield Power for community projects along the Beaver and Black Rivers. No website available, contact Commission staff for more information.
Iroquois Community Grants (due May & November)
Local, state and county governments of pipeline host communities, tax-exempt, not-for-profit environmental organizations and land trusts, and private tax-exempt organizations under IRS Section 501(c)(3) may apply. Only those projects being proposed in a community in which Iroquois facilities are located will be considered for funding. The primary focus areas for the program are Environmental Initiatives (Preservation, Enhancement, Education) and Passive Recreation. The secondary focus areas are Historic Preservation, Civic & Community, Targeted Arts & Culture.
Northern Border Regional Commission (due June-August)
Federal funds for economic and community development projects for local governments and non-profits in the states of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. In New York State, projects will be accepted from applicants in Cayuga, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Oswego, St. Lawrence and Seneca counties. Seven project categories: transportation infrastructure; basic public infrastructure; telecommunications infrastructure; job skills training, skills development, and employment-related education, entrepreneurship, technology, and business development; basic health care and other public services; resource conservation, tourism, recreation, and preservation of open space in a manner consistent with economic development goals; development of renewable and alternative energy sources.
Transportation Alternatives Program (due June when available)
Eligible project activities include on-road and off-road trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists and other non-motorized forms of transportation; infrastructure-related projects and systems that will provide safe routes for non-drivers, including children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities, to access daily needs; community improvement activities, including improving roadway safety in transportation rights-of-way and erosion control; and environmental mitigation activity, including pollution prevention and abatement activities and highway storm water drainage control to prevent flooding.
Consolidated Funding Application (due June/July)
Several state funded programs are now applied to through the Consolidated Funding Application(CFA), tied closely to the Regional Economic Development Councils and their individual Strategic Plans. Additional programs to those listed below are available through the CFA, so please see the current application manual for a detailed listing and explanation. The programs highlighted below have often been used by local communities and organizations.
- NYS Council on the Arts – for the study of and presentation of the performing and fine arts; surveys and capital investments to encourage participation of the arts; to encourage public interest in the cultural heritage of the state; and to promote tourism by supporting arts and cultural projects.
- Community Development Block Grant Program – for small communities with a specific community or economic development need within one of the following areas: (1) Economic Development, (2) Small Business Assistance, (3) Public Infrastructure, or (4) Public Facilities.
- New York Main Street – provides resources to invest in projects that provide economic development and housing opportunities in downtown, mixed-use commercial districts. A primary goal of the program is to stimulate reinvestment and leverage additional funds to establish and sustain downtown and neighborhood revitalization efforts.
- Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation – Municipal Grant Program – acquisition, planning, development, and improvement of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas.
- Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation – Recreational Trails Program (offered every other year) – to provide and maintain recreational trails for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail use.
- NYS Department of State – Local Waterfront Revitalization Program – planning, feasibility, design, or marketing of specific projects, construction projects, to advance the preparation or implementation of strategies for community and waterfront revitalization.
- NYS Department of Environmental Conservation/Environmental Facilities Corporation Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant – assist municipalities with a Median Household Income (MHI) of $65,000 or less with the engineering and planning costs of CWSRF-eligible water quality projects.
- Environmental Facilities Corporation Green Innovation Grant Program – improve water quality and demonstrate green stormwater infrastructure in New York through: Permeable pavement; Bioretention; Green roofs and walls; Stormwater street trees; Construction or restoration of wetlands, floodplains, or riparian buffers; Stream daylighting; Downspout disconnection; Stormwater harvesting and reuse
- NYS Energy Research and Development Authority – Clean Energy Communities Program – Available for communities to adopt support comprehensive planning, zoning amendments, predevelopment technical assistance for projects; also for community-scale sustainability projects that are innovative and transformational in their contributions to advancing sustainable development
- NYS DOS – Local Government Efficiency Program – for local government reorganization, functional or service delivery consolidation, city or county charter revisions that include functional consolidation, cooperative service agreements, and establishment of regional service delivery mechanisms.
Home Depot Community Impact Grants (due September)
Available to registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and tax-exempt public service agencies in the U.S. that are using the power of volunteers to improve the physical health of their community. Grants are given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services. Emphasis changes from year to year.
Parks & Trails NY Capacity Building Grants (due October)
Awards will be made to local or regional organizations that are classified by the IRS as 501(c)(3) and whose primary mission is stewardship of a specific New York park or trail that is or will be open to the public. Will fund activities that help develop and strengthen the skills, processes and resources that not-for-profit organizations need to survive, including: Organizational start-up – e.g., incorporation, initial staff, equipment purchase; Professional consulting services that aid organizational development – e.g., fundraising, communication, marketing, membership, strategic planning, financial management; Board and staff training; Volunteer recruitment, training and/or recognition program; Communications – graphic design, development or enhancement of a logo, website, newsletter, or other communication tool; printing and distribution of brochures, newsletters, or other educational or outreach materials.; Park or trail capital project that will raise the visibility and capacity of the applicant, e.g. kiosk or sign.
Justice Court Assistance Program Grants (due October)
Funding can be applied for in many areas, including security equipment, office equipment and furniture, court room improvements and renovations etc. The maximum grant amount per Court, per year is $30,000. The application must be submitted by Justice Court personnel only, so municipalities with funding ideas should coordinate with their Court personnel to submit an application. Court personnel will be able to access the page which includes the fax number and also the user name and password to access the application by going to the Town and Village Courts webpage.
Arbor Day Community/Quick Start Grants (due December)
Funded by the USDA Forest Service and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and now administered by the NYS Urban Forestry Council, this program provides funding for projects in small communities (population up to 65,000) to have an Arbor Day event and begin a community forestry program. Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to communities or non-profits that work in partnership with municipalities to celebrate Arbor Day 2015 and form a shade tree committee within the municipality.
Assistance to Firefighter Grants (due December)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) annually funds Assistance to Firefighters grants. Eligible applicants are Fire Departments and nonaffiliated EMS organizations, as well as State Fire Training Academies. There are three categories of applications: Operations & Safety, Vehicle Acquisition; and Joint/Regional.