East Branch of Fish Creek

October 2023 Fish Creek Update

EBFC Update Fall 2022

EBFC Update Fall 2021

EBFC Trail Overview Map October 2021

EBFC Update Fall 2019

EBFC Update Fall 2018

Links to DEC’s website on the project, include maps, recreation management plan, and more:  dec.ny.gov/places/east-branch-fish-creek-north-conservation-easement-tract

EBFC Update Fall 2017

The Tug Hill Commission has been working with local people since the mid-1990s to find ways to keep forest lands in the watershed of the East Branch of Fish Creek in productive use for logging, hunting, fishing, watershed protection, and recreation. Virtually all of this work has been done in cooperation with a local advisory committee, called the East Branch of Fish Creek Working Group.

The Working Group’s report, Tug Hill’s Eastern Core Forest: Recommendations for the Protection of Jobs, the Environment and Traditional Uses (April 22, 1997), recommending the use of conservation easements as the primary tool for keeping this area of about 100,000 acres as productive forest, is available here:  Earth Day report 1997.