Monday, March 31, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
$25 if registered by February 28, 2025, $50 if registered on or after March 1, 2025
Budgeting and Accounting for Small Communities Mini-Course
New York State laws require local governments to adopt annual budgets that establish appropriations as a means of providing control over amounts that may be expended. The Office of State Comptroller (OSC) requires local governments to utilize an accounting system that provides for the integration of the annual budget into the accounting records to provide control over authorized expenditures. In addition, local government accounting systems must be operated on a fund basis allowing for a segregation of revenues and expenditures intended to carry on specific governmental activities or attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. For these reasons, it is imperative that officials responsible for developing budgets and maintaining accounting records are knowledgeable about these regulations and restrictions.
Laird Petrie, Municipal Consultant, and Kristy O’Shaughnessy from the NYS Society of Municipal Finance Officers, will deliver this course about town and village requirements and regulations related to budgeting and accounting. Topics will be beneficial for elected town, and village officials as well as bookkeepers, accountants, and comptrollers.
Tackling Vacancy, Blight, and Housing in Small Towns & Rural Communities
Join us for an informative, solutions-focused workshop addressing the separate yet connected challenges of housing shortages and vacant, dilapidated properties in upstate New York. In partnership with the New York State Conference of Mayors, multiple speakers will explore actionable strategies and funding tools related to housing and abandoned/neglected properties, with the goal of fostering community growth.
Topics include:
- Understanding the impact of market-rate and affordable housing needs
- Strategies for addressing vacant, abandoned, and neglected properties
- State programs and financing tools
- Practical solutions from successful land banks and municipalities
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with experts and peers working to revitalize communities.