The Northern Oneida County Council of Governments (NOCCOG) is a coalition of twelve towns and five villages in the northern half of Oneida County. NOCCOG is an independent unit of government bound by an inter-municipal agreement, and has provided technical and planning assistance and a unified voice to these, for the most part, smaller and more rural communities of Oneida County since its formation in 1981. NOCCOG is situated at the southern side of the Tug Hill Plateau and includes a little over 48,000 people.
The NOCCOG governing board is comprised of the town supervisors and village mayors, or their designee. The full council meets once a year to set work goals, adopt a budget for the year, elect the executive board for the following year and to hear about major issues and projects in the NOCCOG area. The NOCCOG Executive Board is comprised of a chairman, vice-chairman, fiscal officer and two directors. The executive board meets quarterly to direct NOCCOG programs and provide communications back to member towns and villages.
Circuit Rider – John Healt (West Leyden, 315-941-2818)