Commission Meeting Schedule

The commission board meets approximately 10 times per year, moving meeting locations around the region to make meetings more accessible to local officials and residents. The 2025 meeting schedule is:

Date Location COG Time Agenda
Monday, January 27 Parish Municipal Offices
2938 East Main Street
Parish, NY 13131
SRCG 10:00 AM
Monday, March 17 Harrisburg Municipal Office
7886 Cobb Rd.
Harrisburg, NY 13626
CTHC 10:00 AM
Monday, May 19 Annsville NOCCOG  10:00 AM
Monday, June 16 Champion RACOG  10:00 AM
Monday, August 18 Sylvan Beach NOCCOG 10:00 AM Staff/Commissioner Retreat
Monday, September 22 West Monroe NorCOG 10:00 AM
Thursday, October 9 or 16 TBD 5:00 PM Annual Dinner
Monday, December 8 Watertown area 10:00 AM Holiday Luncheon

Commission meetings, when recorded, are available on YouTube.