Publications and Resources

Please peruse our publications for our current edition of the annual newsletter Headwaters (plus back issues), our strategic plan and supporting documents, our bi-weekly newsletter for  local officials called Tug Hill Times, and our series of white papers on both technical and issue-oriented topics.

There are three books about the Tug Hill Commission’s program:

  1. “The Tug Hill Program – A Regional Planning Option for Rural Areas” (1981, published by Syracuse University Press) by Cynthia D. Dyballa, Lyle S. Raymond, Jr., and Alan J. Hahn
  2. “Cooperative Rural Planning – A Tug Hill Case Study” (1981, published by the Temporary State Commission on Tug Hill) by Elizabeth Redfield Marsh
  3. “Tug Hill:  Shaping the Future of the Region” (2018, published by Adirondack Architectural Heritage) by Norah Machia